A Great Place to Learn Kenpo - Kenpo Orphans Welcome!

Sacramento Kenpo Karate is a very warm and friendly school teaching the art of self-defense. It's a great place for women to feel safe and for men to smack the heck out of each other, if that's what they want. The men can feel safe too. :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Class Time Adjustment

Hello All!

Ron and I are back from vacation and will be at class tonight.  We both would like to thank Bryan, Jens, Aron and Gary, specifically, who taught the classes in our absence, and those of Mr. Tieman's students who were able to help as well.

At the suggestion of several students, we are going to start class at 7:15pm, instead of 7:30.  The kids' class ends at 7:15, generally, so there's no reason to wait the next 15 min. before starting.  If any of you can't make it until 7:30, that's okay, but we'd like to get started earlier to give us more class time.

The other thing we're going to do is have a consistent plan for warm-up, using weights.  Much of it we do already in class, but we're going to have a few things that we do every class.

Please, if you would, get some hand weights anywhere from 1-5lbs., depending.  I max out at 3lbs.  We do have some in class, but not enough for everyone right now.

Every class, we're going to do 100 upward blocks, 100 inward, 100 extended outward, and 100 punches.

We'll also be doing 40 sit-ups/crunches.

If, for some reason, the kids' class runs over, you can get started on those.  We will likely be adding bag work with kicks later. 

We'll be starting early tonight, so show up if you can.  If you can't make it early, we'll still let you in.  :)

Glad to be back!


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