A Great Place to Learn Kenpo - Kenpo Orphans Welcome!

Sacramento Kenpo Karate is a very warm and friendly school teaching the art of self-defense. It's a great place for women to feel safe and for men to smack the heck out of each other, if that's what they want. The men can feel safe too. :)

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Sacramento Kenpo Karate

 All right! It seems the heat wave has officially arrived in the Sacramento area.


Make sure that you keep hydrated. Drink lots of water.  Try and stay away from sodas, coffee or tea they will actually dehydrate you faster.


Make sure to bring water and/or sports drinks on karate days.




CLOSE KNEEL STANCE – Similar to a neutral bow stance, with the exception that the rear knee is dropped two inches from the ground. The rear knee is kept in as well as close to the forward leg. The weight of the body is equally divided on both legs. The WIDE and CLOSE KNEEL STANCES obtain their names because of the width, and not depth that exists between them.

(Ed Parker's Encyclopedia of Kenpo, pg 27)


WIDE KNEEL STANCE - This stance can stem from a NEUTRAL BOW AND ARROW STANCE by dropping the rear knee (about the length of your hand from the ground), and forcing it out. Your weight, at this point, should be evenly distributed (50-50). The drop in height can increase your stability, add power, help to avoid an attack, allow greater access to lower targets, and can be effectively used as a pin or check.  The WIDE and CLOSE KNEEL STANCES obtain their names because of the width, and not depth that exists between them.

(Ed Parker's Encyclopedia of Kenpo, pg 139)


SKK Monthly Update –


Our children class has seen the addition of Alex, Evan, and Andrew. Please say hi to them and welcome them to the class if you have not. I love the effort that everyone is putting out, keep up the good work. I would like to thank Matthew and Joshua for continuing to show leadership skills.


Adult class continues to be very fun. Please, feel free to come to us if you have any questions with regards to your training.


It is good to be back…Yaaaayyyyy!


**********SKK REMINDERS **********

Please pay your dues by the 10th of every month.

Make sure you keep your receipt when you pay your dues.

  • All students must wear a karate uniform or workout clothes. Male students must wear a groin protector.
  • Hygiene is a good thing. Please make sure your karate uniform is clean, finger and toe nails are trimmed, and remove jewelry in class. These reminders are for the safety of your fellow students. Thank you.
  • Please, let us know by phone or e-mail if you cannot show up for class.
  • Ms. Long's information
  • Mr. Nakamoto's information
  • We charge a $10.00 belt fee for all belt promotions.
  • The SKK patch is on sale for $10.00 each or $16.00 for two.
  • Karate uniforms range from $20.00 to $25.00 depending on size.


American Kenpo Karate is a hard/soft style designed to promote good self-esteem, confidence, self-reliance, excellent defensive skills and is a lot of fun. If you want to learn the ultimate in self defense, we teach Kenpo Karate in Rancho Cordova for the Cordova Recreation & Park District at Mather Sports Facility

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