A Great Place to Learn Kenpo - Kenpo Orphans Welcome!

Sacramento Kenpo Karate is a very warm and friendly school teaching the art of self-defense. It's a great place for women to feel safe and for men to smack the heck out of each other, if that's what they want. The men can feel safe too. :)

Monday, May 02, 2011

Kenpo Karate Techniques

We added a little more circular movement to the palm strike to add more bang for the buck.
BRUSHING THE STORM (flank right overhead club)
1. With feet together and opponent attacking from your right side, step forward and to your right with your right foot to 2:00 (opponent is attacking from 3:00 while you are facing 12:00). Simultaneously deliver a left inward parry outside of opponent's right arm while striking to opponent's jaw with a right heel palm thrust (which will travel up striking under and inside of opponent's right arm.)
2. Step forward with your left foot (left close kneel stance) to 2:00 as you strike to opponent's solar plexus with your right elbow (striking vertically and down) and continue checking opponent's right arm with your left hand.
3. Pivot clockwise to your right (into a left neutral bow) facing 4:00 as you strike to opponent's groin with a right heel of palm (hooking your right arm toward you). Simultaneously continue to apply your left hand check to opponent's shoulder blade.
4. Drop your right foot back toward 10:00 into a left neutral bow as your right hand pulls opponent's right leg (sliding your hand to his right knee cap and to levels below that point) toward you as your left hand pushes forward at opponent's right shoulder blade or right hip.
5. While holding opponent's right leg with your right hand, deliver a left snapping instep kick to opponent's groin.
6. Plant your left foot and deliver a right knife-edge kick to back of opponent's left knee thus buckling him to the ground.
7. Right front crossover and over out twice toward 10:00.
American Kenpo Karate is a hard/soft style of martial arts, created by Ed Parker, designed to promote good self-esteem.  We teach Sacramento Martial Arts and Amy Long is putting together another copy volume of the Kenpo Continuum.

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