A Great Place to Learn Kenpo - Kenpo Orphans Welcome!

Sacramento Kenpo Karate is a very warm and friendly school teaching the art of self-defense. It's a great place for women to feel safe and for men to smack the heck out of each other, if that's what they want. The men can feel safe too. :)

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Sacramento Kenpo Karate


We hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Ours was really nice.


Wow!!! Christmas is nearly upon us!!!  OMG!!! We still have some last minute shopping.  This year went by really fast, kind of scary, if you ask me…




CIRCULAR ROTATION – Rotation of your arm in a circle to build momentum prior to the final torquing action of your strike.


ELONGATED CIRCLES – The Lengthening of circular movements so that the paths in which they travel follow a more flattened arc. This maneuver shortens the time of action, and because of the modified angle of travel, is able to strike the target with greater speed, penetration and force. (Ed Parker's Encyclopedia of Kenpo, pg 47)


SKK Monthly Update –


Our children class is becoming more colorful now that we have two purple belts. Half of our yellow belts are well on their way to earning their orange belt. We want to welcome Tiara to our new group of white belts. If you have not said hi to our new group of students, please do so.


Our adult class is holding steady with some mainstays. Kudos!  To those of you who are continuing to show up. For those of you that are unable to show on a regular basis, know that you are missed and you are always welcome back.


A huge thanks, to those students who have taken on instructor roles. You know who you are.


**********SKK REMINDERS **********

Please pay your dues by the 10th of every month.

Make sure you keep your receipt when you pay your dues.

  • All students must wear a karate uniform or workout clothes. Male students must wear a groin protector.
  • Hygiene is a good thing. Please make sure your karate uniform is clean, finger and toe nails are trimmed, and remove jewelry in class. These reminders are for the safety of your fellow students. Thank you.
  • Please, let us know by phone or e-mail if you cannot show up for class.
  • Ms. Long's information
  • Mr. Nakamoto's information
  • We charge a $10.00 belt fee for all belt promotions.
  • The SKK patch is on sale for $10.00 each or $16.00 for two.
  • Karate uniforms range from $20.00 to $25.00 depending on size.


American Kenpo Karate is a hard/soft style designed to promote good self-esteem, confidence, self-reliance, excellent defensive skills and is a lot of fun. If you want to learn the ultimate in self defense, we teach Kenpo Karate in Rancho Cordova for the Cordova Recreation & Park District at Mather Sports Facility

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Sacramento Kenpo Karate


NOVEMBER is already halfway through. HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I am thankful for all of our students and that we have a place to train.




UPWARD BLOCK(S) – All types of blocks that redirect an attacking weapon up, above, over, out or away from your head. (Ed Parker's Encyclopedia of Kenpo, pg 132)


INWARD PARRY – A blocking method that requires your blocking arm to travel from outside to inside, as it redirects a blow or kick, by riding or going with the force. (Ed Parker's Encyclopedia of Kenpo, pg 68)


OUTWARD PARRY – A block that travels from inside out as it redirects and rides the force or your opponents action. (Ed Parker's Encyclopedia of Kenpo, pg 89)


SKK Monthly Update –


The children class is happy to welcome Gabe, Frank, Michael and Anthony. Ben, Andrew, Evan and Alex are almost ready for yellow belt. David, Kaitlin, Bradley, Ceasar, Alma are working towards their orange belt. Matthew and Joshua are just about ready for purple belt. As usual keep up the good work everyone.


Our adult class is still very fun and they are all progressing very well. Good job everyone. We admire your dedication.


Those of you that are teaching, know that your efforts are greatly appreciated.


**********SKK REMINDERS **********

Please pay your dues by the 10th of every month.

Make sure you keep your receipt when you pay your dues.

  • All students must wear a karate uniform or workout clothes. Male students must wear a groin protector.
  • Hygiene is a good thing. Please make sure your karate uniform is clean, finger and toe nails are trimmed, and remove jewelry in class. These reminders are for the safety of your fellow students. Thank you.
  • Please, let us know by phone or e-mail if you cannot show up for class.
  • Ms. Long's information
  • Mr. Nakamoto's information
  • We charge a $10.00 belt fee for all belt promotions.
  • The SKK patch is on sale for $10.00 each or $16.00 for two.
  • Karate uniforms range from $20.00 to $25.00 depending on size.


American Kenpo Karate is a hard/soft style designed to promote good self-esteem, confidence, self-reliance, excellent defensive skills and is a lot of fun. If you want to learn the ultimate in self defense, we teach Kenpo Karate in Rancho Cordova for the Cordova Recreation & Park District at Mather Sports Facility

Sunday, October 30, 2011

News From Oakland Kenpo Karate


Congratulations to Connery Cepeda, Oakland Kenpo Karate's first promotion.  Connery was promoted to yellow belt on October 21, and has been studying privately with Gary since June.  Oakland Kenpo Karate also welcomes Chris Butner back to Kenpo-land after a two-year hiatus.  Chris is a purple belt who studied under George Calvillo, and came to the East Bay after finishing his college degree in finance.
 Also, thank you to Brian Kane, who came to the East Bay for graduate school and began looking for workout partners.  Brian is a 2nd Brown who studied several martial arts styles, and is returning from a long hiatus.  As life moved along, Brian studied under some great Kenpo instructors: Andy Smith, Bryan Hawkins, Jeff Speakman and Tony Martin.  We'll see how it all fits together, but suffice it to say, there is now American Kenpo in the East Bay.

Oakland Kenpo Karate classes are currently held Mondays and Wednesdays from 5 to 6 at the Kaiser Center Rooftop Garden in Oakland.  Connery and Chris are students, while Brian joins Gary as a workout partner.  Brian will sit in on classes as possible.  A permanent, indoor venue remains in the works.  Stay tuned.

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Sacramento Kenpo Karate


THE THREE BASIC POWER PRINCIPLES are (1) Back-up-mass, (2) Marriage of Gravity, and (3) Torque.

POSTURE – The position of the body that is characteristic of a specific individual, or one that is assumed for purposes of defense or offense.
(Ed Parker's Encyclopedia of Kenpo, pg 96)

SKK Monthly Update –

Our children class is becoming very diverse. We are trying to cater to all of the different skill levels, and fully appreciate everyone's patience. My goal is to try and get to everyone on a more individual basis. I feel that reducing the ratio of instructor to students will help our children be able to learn more effectively and retain the curriculum. Again, thanks for your patience and your concerns when it comes to your children. You, the parents, are amazing. It is such a pleasure to see your participation.

The adult class is slowly getting new students. We now have Robert and his daughters Ciera and Maddie. We still have Mr. Tieman and his students attending our dojo and it has been very enlightening. They are a wonderful addition to our class.  All of our students are awesome and we love what you bring to our class.

I would like to extend a special thanks and kudos to our "instructors". You guys are doing us a huge favor by giving of yourselves as you do. Plus, it is a tool with which to gauge your knowledge of American Kenpo. Keep up the excellent work guys.

**********SKK REMINDERS **********
Please pay your dues by the 10th of every month.
Make sure you keep your receipt when you pay your dues.
  • All students must wear a karate uniform or workout clothes. Male students must wear a groin protector.
  • Hygiene is a good thing. Please make sure your karate uniform is clean, finger and toe nails are trimmed, and remove jewelry in class. These reminders are for the safety of your fellow students. Thank you.
  • Please, let us know by phone or e-mail if you cannot show up for class.
  • Ms. Long's information
  • Mr. Nakamoto's information
  • We charge a $10.00 belt fee for all belt promotions.
  • The SKK patch is on sale for $10.00 each or $16.00 for two.
  • Karate uniforms range from $20.00 to $25.00 depending on size.
American Kenpo Karate is a hard/soft style designed to promote good self-esteem, confidence, self-reliance, excellent defensive skills and is a lot of fun. If you want to learn the ultimate in self defense, we teach Kenpo Karate in Rancho Cordova for the Cordova Recreation & Park District at Mather Sports Facility

Sunday, September 11, 2011



Wow!! Now we really do have some weird and serious weather.


HYDRATION! Drink water on karate days.


We gave Jeff Lane his green belt, which he most definitely earned. Kudos and Congrats, Jeff!


Sept 17-18 Scott Halsey Camp w/ Huk Planas in Whiskeytown, CA

Sept 24 Ohana in Downey, CA




WINDING – Rotating descent. Rotating of the body while gradually descending.

(Ed Parker's Encyclopedia of Kenpo, pg 139)


UNWIND(ING) – To uncoil or rotate in reverse. Uncoiling from a TWIST STANCE can be effective if the momentum of the rotation is synchronized with a strike.

(Ed Parker's Encyclopedia of Kenpo, pg 131)



SKK Monthly Update –


Our children class now has more color in it. We now have orange, yellow and white belts. Awesome! I am very impressed with how hard everyone is working. Keep up the hard work everyone. We still need to receive the $10.00 belt fee from some of our newly appointed yellow belts, please get that to us promptly.


We have some new students for September. Please say hi to Flying Eagle Claw, Robert, Ciera and Maddie.  We are starting to get a little more color amongst our students. It is very exciting to see how well everyone is progressing. Keep up the good work guys and gals.


**********SKK REMINDERS **********

Please pay your dues by the 10th of every month.

Make sure you keep your receipt when you pay your dues.

  • All students must wear a karate uniform or workout clothes. Male students must wear a groin protector.
  • Hygiene is a good thing. Please make sure your karate uniform is clean, finger and toe nails are trimmed, and remove jewelry in class. These reminders are for the safety of your fellow students. Thank you.
  • Please, let us know by phone or e-mail if you cannot show up for class.
  • Ms. Long's information
  • Mr. Nakamoto's information
  • We charge a $10.00 belt fee for all belt promotions.
  • The SKK patch is on sale for $10.00 each or $16.00 for two.
  • Karate uniforms range from $20.00 to $25.00 depending on size.


American Kenpo Karate is a hard/soft style designed to promote good self-esteem, confidence, self-reliance, excellent defensive skills and is a lot of fun. If you want to learn the ultimate in self defense, we teach Kenpo Karate in Rancho Cordova for the Cordova Recreation & Park District at Mather Sports Facility

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Sacramento Kenpo Karate

 All right! It seems the heat wave has officially arrived in the Sacramento area.


Make sure that you keep hydrated. Drink lots of water.  Try and stay away from sodas, coffee or tea they will actually dehydrate you faster.


Make sure to bring water and/or sports drinks on karate days.




CLOSE KNEEL STANCE – Similar to a neutral bow stance, with the exception that the rear knee is dropped two inches from the ground. The rear knee is kept in as well as close to the forward leg. The weight of the body is equally divided on both legs. The WIDE and CLOSE KNEEL STANCES obtain their names because of the width, and not depth that exists between them.

(Ed Parker's Encyclopedia of Kenpo, pg 27)


WIDE KNEEL STANCE - This stance can stem from a NEUTRAL BOW AND ARROW STANCE by dropping the rear knee (about the length of your hand from the ground), and forcing it out. Your weight, at this point, should be evenly distributed (50-50). The drop in height can increase your stability, add power, help to avoid an attack, allow greater access to lower targets, and can be effectively used as a pin or check.  The WIDE and CLOSE KNEEL STANCES obtain their names because of the width, and not depth that exists between them.

(Ed Parker's Encyclopedia of Kenpo, pg 139)


SKK Monthly Update –


Our children class has seen the addition of Alex, Evan, and Andrew. Please say hi to them and welcome them to the class if you have not. I love the effort that everyone is putting out, keep up the good work. I would like to thank Matthew and Joshua for continuing to show leadership skills.


Adult class continues to be very fun. Please, feel free to come to us if you have any questions with regards to your training.


It is good to be back…Yaaaayyyyy!


**********SKK REMINDERS **********

Please pay your dues by the 10th of every month.

Make sure you keep your receipt when you pay your dues.

  • All students must wear a karate uniform or workout clothes. Male students must wear a groin protector.
  • Hygiene is a good thing. Please make sure your karate uniform is clean, finger and toe nails are trimmed, and remove jewelry in class. These reminders are for the safety of your fellow students. Thank you.
  • Please, let us know by phone or e-mail if you cannot show up for class.
  • Ms. Long's information
  • Mr. Nakamoto's information
  • We charge a $10.00 belt fee for all belt promotions.
  • The SKK patch is on sale for $10.00 each or $16.00 for two.
  • Karate uniforms range from $20.00 to $25.00 depending on size.


American Kenpo Karate is a hard/soft style designed to promote good self-esteem, confidence, self-reliance, excellent defensive skills and is a lot of fun. If you want to learn the ultimate in self defense, we teach Kenpo Karate in Rancho Cordova for the Cordova Recreation & Park District at Mather Sports Facility

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Class Time Adjustment

Hello All!

Ron and I are back from vacation and will be at class tonight.  We both would like to thank Bryan, Jens, Aron and Gary, specifically, who taught the classes in our absence, and those of Mr. Tieman's students who were able to help as well.

At the suggestion of several students, we are going to start class at 7:15pm, instead of 7:30.  The kids' class ends at 7:15, generally, so there's no reason to wait the next 15 min. before starting.  If any of you can't make it until 7:30, that's okay, but we'd like to get started earlier to give us more class time.

The other thing we're going to do is have a consistent plan for warm-up, using weights.  Much of it we do already in class, but we're going to have a few things that we do every class.

Please, if you would, get some hand weights anywhere from 1-5lbs., depending.  I max out at 3lbs.  We do have some in class, but not enough for everyone right now.

Every class, we're going to do 100 upward blocks, 100 inward, 100 extended outward, and 100 punches.

We'll also be doing 40 sit-ups/crunches.

If, for some reason, the kids' class runs over, you can get started on those.  We will likely be adding bag work with kicks later. 

We'll be starting early tonight, so show up if you can.  If you can't make it early, we'll still let you in.  :)

Glad to be back!


Saturday, July 02, 2011

Sacramento Kenpo Karate

HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY EVERYONE!!!! Have a safe and sane holiday.


Amy and I will be taking our annual 2 week vacation this month. We will announce the dates, as soon as, possible.  To all of the black belts who attend our classes, we would greatly appreciate your help in taking over the teaching duties during our vacation.




MAJOR MOVES – Strong and positive moves which cause immediate devastation.

(Ed Parker's Encyclopedia of Kenpo, pg 78)


MINOR MOVE(S) -  Subordinate moves which are frequently prefixes, suffixes, or inserts that are often necessary ingredients in the set up and execution of major moves.

(Ed Parker's Encyclopedia of Kenpo, pg 81)

 SKK Monthly Update –


The children class has been doing really well. We like the focus and drive that everyone has. We appreciate the patience that everyone has, especially the parents, SKK thanks you for your support.


We have some very talented new students showing up now. If you have not introduced yourself to Dallas, Matt, Kameron and Zach please do. We know that life hits and hits harder than most of us train for. We want to let you know that we appreciate everyone that shows up and brings with them a smile and a willingness to learn. By now, everyone must know how therapeutic our classes can be, so come by and say hello, anyway.


**********SKK REMINDERS **********

Please pay your dues by the 10th of every month.

Make sure you keep your receipt when you pay your dues.

  • All students must wear a karate uniform or workout clothes. Male students must wear a groin protector.
  • Hygiene is a good thing. Please make sure your karate uniform is clean, finger and toe nails are trimmed, and remove jewelry in class. These reminders are for the safety of your fellow students. Thank you.
  • Please, let us know by phone or e-mail if you cannot show up for class.
  • Ms. Long's information
  • Mr. Nakamoto's information
  • We charge a $10.00 belt fee for all belt promotions.
  • The SKK patch is on sale for $10.00 each or $16.00 for two.
  • Karate uniforms range from $20.00 to $25.00 depending on size.


American Kenpo Karate is a hard/soft style designed to promote good self-esteem, confidence, self-reliance, excellent defensive skills and is a lot of fun. If you want to learn the ultimate in self defense, we teach Kenpo Karate in Rancho Cordova for the Cordova Recreation & Park District at Mather Sports Facility

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Kenpo Karate Techniques

THE BACK BREAKER (flank step through right punch)

1. With feet together facing 12:00, step forward and to your right to 1:30 with your right foot as you execute a double parry (left inward parry followed by your right outward parry) outside of opponent's right arm.
2. Step to 2:00 with your left foot as your right hand grabs your opponent's right shoulder. Pivot clockwise and have your left hand grab back of opponent's left shoulder.
3. Step back to 2:00 with your right foot into a left neutral bow as you anchor your elbows pulling your opponent's shoulders back, thus disturbing his balance. Without hesitation deliver a right knee kick to opponent's lower spine.
4. Drop your right foot back to 2:00 into a left neutral bow and increase your two hand pull and force your opponent onto your left knee, striking his upper spine.
5. Twist opponent's head clockwise breaking opponent's neck with your right hand, followed by a right inward hand sword to opponent's nose, with a left heel palm strike to the opposite side of the opponent's head (creating a sandwiching effect.)
6. While still in place deliver right and left inward two finger hooks to the opponent's eyes.
7. While still in place deliver two (right and left) downward back knuckle strikes respectively (rolling the back knuckle shrikes up out of the eyes, then down) to left and right collar bones of opponent.
8. Just prior to stepping back with your left foot, execute two heel palm claws to opponent's face.
9. Slide your left foot back to 2:00 (into a left reverse close kneel) as you force your opponent's head to the ground.
10. Pivot (in place) toward 2:00 utilizing the momentum in striking opponent's right jaw hinge with your right side of heel (heel of the foot).
11. Follow-up with a right heel stomp to opponent's right collar bone.
12. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 2:00.
American Kenpo Karate is a hard/soft style of martial arts, created by Ed Parker, designed to promote good self-esteem.  We teach Sacramento Martial Arts and Amy Long is putting together another copy volume of the Kenpo Continuum.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Kenpo Karate Techniques

GLANCING WING (front left uppercut punch)

1. While in a right neutral bow, simultaneously deliver a right inward block outside of opponent's left uppercut while delivering a left vertical fist to opponent's face.
2. Immediately hook your left hand down and out (clockwise) outside of opponent's left arm as you deliver a right chopping uppercut punch to opponent's left ribcage.
3. Slide your left foot counter clockwise to 4:00 (into a right neutral bow) as your left hand hooks back of opponent's neck, thus forcing your opponent down.
4. With Opponent stooping over, deliver a right thrusting diagonal forearm elbow punch to opponent's left jaw.
5. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 4:00.
I mostly hate this technique.

American Kenpo Karate is a hard/soft style of martial arts, created by Ed Parker, designed to promote good self-esteem.  We teach Sacramento Martial Arts and Amy Long is putting together another copy volume of the Kenpo Continuum.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Kenpo Karate Techniques

CLIPPING THE STORM (front right thrusting club)

1. Step toward 11:00 with your left foot (left neutral bow), as you deliver a left downward handsword to the outside of opponent's left forearm, simultaneously cocking your right hand near your right ear.
2. Shift (in place) to a left forward bow as you deliver a right downward handsword to opponent's left wrist.
3. Shift (in place) to a neutral bow as you deliver a left outward handsword (palm down) to opponent's throat.
4. Step forward and back of opponent's right leg with your right foot, transitioning through a cat
stance, into a right neutral bow as you deliver a right heel of palm strike under opponent's chin. (Left hand should be checking near your right ribs.)
5. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 7:30.
American Kenpo Karate is a hard/soft style of martial arts, created by Ed Parker, designed to promote good self-esteem.  We teach Sacramento Martial Arts and Amy Long is putting together another copy volume of the Kenpo Continuum.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Kenpo Karate Techniques

KNEEL OF COMPULSION (flank step through right punch)

1. With feet together and facing 12:00, step forward and to your right to 1:30 with your right foot (into a right neutral bow) as you execute a double parry (left hand followed by your right) outside of opponent's right arm.
2. Step to 2:00 with your left foot as your right hand grabs your opponent's right shoulder. Pivot toward opponent further and have your left hand grab the back of opponent's left shoulder.
3. Step back (step through reverse) with your right foot to 2:00 into a left neutral bow, anchoring your elbows, as both of your arms pull your opponent's shoulder back and down thus disturbing your opponent's balance.
4. Follow-up with a right step through knife-edge kick to the back of opponent's left knee thus compelling him to kneel. Plant your right foot forward toward 7:30 into a right neutral bow.
5. Execute a right inward horizontal elbow strike to right side of opponent's neck, simultaneous with a left inward horizontal heel palm strike thus sandwiching opponent's head.front crossover and cover out twice toward 1:30.

American Kenpo Karate is a hard/soft style of martial arts, created by Ed Parker, designed to promote good self-esteem.  We teach Sacramento Martial Arts and Amy Long is putting together another copy volume of the Kenpo Continuum.

Saturday, June 04, 2011

Kenpo Karate Techniques

SECURING THE STORM (front right roundhouse club)

1. With feet together, step in with your left foot to 12:00 (into a left neutral bow) and deliver a left extended outward to the inside of opponent's right wrist. Simultaneously deliver a right vertical punch to opponent's face.
2. Slide your right foot clockwise to 10:30 (into a left neutral bow facing 4:30) as you deliver a left uppercut circling over then under opponent's left arm to break the elbow, while your right hand check his right shoulder.
3. Slightly shift your left foot back (toward 10:30), still pinning opponent's left arm, rotate your body counter clockwise, and quickly circle your right foot clockwise and back of opponent's right leg (to 6:00) into a left forward bow as you deliver a right heel palm strike to opponent's jaw thus forcing your opponent to the ground.
4. Step back with your right foot toward 7:30; left front crossover and cover out twice toward 7:30.

American Kenpo Karate is a hard/soft style of martial arts, created by Ed Parker, designed to promote good self-esteem.  We teach Sacramento Martial Arts and Amy Long is putting together another copy volume of the Kenpo Continuum.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sacramento Kenpo Karate

Master of the Arts John Sepuvelda will be at Sher Khan Karate in Elk Grove on Sunday June 12th.


Wow! Almost halfway through the year. Sheeesh!!!! Kind of scary.


We hope everyone had a good Memorial Weekend.


Of course, the always enlightening, Amy Long made an appearance on Sunday at Graham Lelliot's 2011 Wondervalley Kenpo Camp.  Ms. Long gave Gary his 1st Degree Brown on Sunday just before the group picture at Wondervalley.  John Kerr had an excellent time at the camp.  Way to represent SKK guys.






Variable Expansion – The ability to randomly select solutions, or build upon precepts, as a result of having a thorough knowledge of the principles and concepts of the Martial Arts.  

[Encyclopedia of Kenpo, pg 133]


Grafted Principle – Is the combining of several principles within the flow of a single action. For example a strike may start with a hammering motion, but conclude with a thrusting action without disturbing the natural flow of the executed move. The term also refers to combining self-defense techniques without disruption in their completed or uncompleted state.   

[Encyclopedia of Kenpo, pg 60]

SKK Monthly Update –

Our children class is still going strong. I would like to acknowledge Matthew Rousseve for his help and for setting the example on how a student should be in class. Joshua, Gianah, Jessica and Katelyn are continuing their orange belt curriculum.  All the other children are diligently working for their yellow belt. Keep at it everyone, your hard work is paying off.


Our adult class has seen an increase in teens and we are still having 'older' adults trickle in.  We are very pleased with how everyone is moving along in their curriculum, excellent job. The hard work is and will pay off.


**********SKK REMINDERS **********

Please pay your dues by the 10th of every month.

Make sure you keep your receipt when you pay your dues.

  • All students must wear a karate uniform or workout clothes. Male students must wear a groin protector.
  • Hygiene is a good thing. Please make sure your karate uniform is clean, finger and toe nails are trimmed, and remove jewelry in class. These reminders are for the safety of your fellow students. Thank you.
  • Please, let us know by phone or e-mail if you cannot show up for class.
  • Ms. Long's information
  • Mr. Nakamoto's information
  • We charge a $10.00 belt fee for all belt promotions.
  • The SKK patch is on sale for $10.00 each or $16.00 for two.
  • Karate uniforms range from $20.00 to $25.00 depending on size.


American Kenpo Karate is a hard/soft style designed to promote good self-esteem, confidence, self-reliance, excellent defensive skills and is a lot of fun. If you want to learn the ultimate in self defense, we teach Kenpo Karate in Rancho Cordova for the Cordova Recreation & Park District at Mather Sports Facility

Monday, May 30, 2011

Kenpo Karate Techniques

CROSS OF DEATH (front two hand cross choke)

1. With opponent cross choking you (with his left hand over his right) and you're facing him, pin his hands with your left hand (making sure greater pressure is on his left hand) as you step forward with your right foot to 12:00 (into a right neutral bow) buckling your opponent's right knee from the inside. With this step, deliver a right glancing forearm strike against opponent's left elbow to break it. Continue this action and end up with a right vertical punch to opponent's face.
2. Immediately deliver a left uppercut to opponent's stomach as your right arm horizontally pins and checks both arms of opponent. (Drop into a right forward bow in the process.)
3. Circling your left arm clockwise, follow-up with a left outward hooking parry on top of and outside of opponent's left elbow followed by a right chopping punch to opponent's left kidney as your left foot shifts to 4:30 (still remaining in a right neutral bow).
4. Continue the same motion of your right arm and switch the orbit of your right arm by using a right vertical back knuckle thrust to opponent's left temple.
5. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 4:30
American Kenpo Karate is a hard/soft style of martial arts, created by Ed Parker, designed to promote good self-esteem.  We teach Sacramento Martial Arts and Amy Long is putting together another copy volume of the Kenpo Continuum.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Kenpo Karate Techniques

TAMING THE MACE (front step through right punch)

1. With feet together, step to 11:00 with your left foot as your left hand parries (inward) your opponent's right punch from the outside. Simultaneously deliver a right inward hand sword to inside of opponent's right biceps.
2. Immediately, while your left hand checks and grabs opponent's right hand at the wrist, deliver a right outward back knuckle to opponent's right temple.
3. Have your right hand grab opponent's right shoulder as your left foot steps back to 4:00 (thus forming a right front twist stance facing 10:00).
4. With both of your hands grasping opponent, pivot counter clockwise keeping your elbows anchored and arms close to your torso), bend your knees and slam opponent against the wall.
5. While opponent is against the wall, deliver a right roundhouse knee kick to opponent's groin as you execute a right inward horizontal elbow strike to opponent's throat. The wall is your backstop and thus the strikes cause a sandwiching effect.
6. Replant your right foot back to 12:00. Left front crossover and cover out twice toward 12:00.

American Kenpo Karate is a hard/soft style of martial arts, created by Ed Parker, designed to promote good self-esteem.  We teach Sacramento Martial Arts and Amy Long is putting together another copy volume of the Kenpo Continuum.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Kenpo Karate Techniques

CONQUERING SHIELD (front left stiff arm lapel grab and possible right punch)

1. With feet together, simultaneously pin opponent's left arm with your left hand as your right vertical forearm strikes against opponent's left elbow to break, then glances off the elbow into a right vertical punch to his face (compound strike), as you execute a right front snapping ball kick to inner knee cap of opponent's right leg. Settle your stance!
2. As you proceed to plant your right foot forward to 11:00 (into a right neutral bow) have your right arm then strike down with your right downward elbow to opponent's left forearm thus forcing your opponent's head down.
3. With feet firmly planted, deliver a right upward elbow strike under opponent's chin.
4. Follow-up with a right downward heel and claw to opponent's face.

Hmm, reading this, we don't break the arm so much as do an upward angled inward/upward elbow to dislocate the opponent's shoulder. 
American Kenpo Karate is a hard/soft style of martial arts, created by Ed Parker, designed to promote good self-esteem.  We teach Sacramento Martial Arts and Amy Long is putting together another copy volume of the Kenpo Continuum.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Kenpo Karate Techniques

CAPTURING THE STORM (front right overhead club)

1. With feet together, step forward and to your left with your left foot to 11:00 into a horse stance. Simultaneously deliver a cross block (your right hand over your left) to the wrist of the attacking hand. At this point your cross block should be angled off to 1:00 so that your head and body are outside of the line of attack.
2. Immediately grab your opponent's right wrist with both of your hands, with your left hand facing you and your right hand turned away from you.
3. Step forward toward 11:00 with your right foot as you circle opponent's right arm down and clockwise while striking the club against your opponent's right knee; continue to circling motion around and up and over your head.
4. Retain your grab with your left hand as your right hand grabs outer end of opponent's club.
5. Immediately circle your left foot counter clockwise and further back to 9:00 (into a right neutral bow) as your right hand forces the club out of your opponent's grasp. Circle your right arm counter clockwise and strike your opponent's right elbow with the club.
front crossover and cover out twice toward 9:00.

American Kenpo Karate is a hard/soft style of martial arts, created by Ed Parker, designed to promote good self-esteem.  We teach Sacramento Martial Arts and Amy Long is putting together another copy volume of the Kenpo Continuum.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Kenpo Karate Techniques

HEAVENLY ASCENT (front two hand choke - arms straight)

1. With feet together and opponent applying choke, step forward with your right foot to 12:00 as both of your hands clasp together and execute a two arm upward wedge strike to inside of opponent's forearms to break the choke.
2. Pivot slightly (into a horse) and strike up and against opponent's chin with your right upward elbow.
3. Pivot back into a right neutral bow and deliver a right downward back knuckle strike to opponent's face.
4. Continue to pivot into a right forward bow as you execute a left inward overhead claw to opponent's nose and eyes. Your right hand is checking at this point.
5. Utilizing quarter beat timing, deliver a right half fist (palm up) to opponent's throat as you pivot back into a right neutral bow.
6. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 6:00.
American Kenpo Karate is a hard/soft style of martial arts, created by Ed Parker, designed to promote good self-esteem.  We teach Sacramento Martial Arts and Amy Long is putting together another copy volume of the Kenpo Continuum.