JUNE 2013
Wow! Wonder Valley Kenpo Camp hosted by GL Kenpo of Fresno was totally awesome. We hung out with the usual suspects, as well as, new ones. We recommend that you should attend the next one in 2015.
Make sure you check out Amy Long Kenpo channel on Youtube. We have put up the videos for SKK's curriculum from yellow to purple belt. More are on the way.

Elizabeth Cotillo – Orange
Ethan Harms – Orange
Sarah Lievens – Purple
Kameron Montgomery – Green

(((((((( (((((( (((((( ATTENTION ))))) )))))) ))))))))
Keep your receipt for the monthly tuition to Cordova Recreation and Park District. The amount of students attending and the amount of students enrolled through the Park District are very different. Thank you.
Our children class has a maximum capacity of 25 students. Returning students please make sure your parents pay your tuition on time.
(((((((( (((((( (((((( ATTENTION ))))) )))))) ))))))))
SKK terminology as presented in…
Ed Parker's Encyclopedia of Kenpo
The Zen of Kenpo
Infinite Insights Volumes 1 – 5
Secrets of Chinese Karate
ACCUMULATED FORCE – (Ed Parker's Encyclopedia of Kenpo, pg. 1)
The amassing of diverse sources of power which, when properly synchronized, produce an accumulative solitary force of proportionate effectiveness. this concept
PATTERN ADDICT – (Ed Parker's Encyclopedia of Kenpo, pg. 90)
One who is caught up in traditionally prescribed movements.
To over-extend is to over-expose. (The Zen of Kenpo, pg 74)
In the DOJO
Children class is moving along pretty steady. We have a great bunch of kids. I really appreciate their patience and hard work. I realize they are all trying very hard to get stripes and promoted. Speaking of stripes, remember, we are allowing only one stripe a week. I am thinking of adding a stripe for learning how to tie your own belt; no more blaming the parents.
Adult class is becoming very colorful. We miss that. All colors except yellow are currently being represented. Remember to show up at 7:15 to get your warm-up in before class begins. If you know anyone whether, a beginner or an 'orphan' feel free to bring them by so they can experience a friendly atmosphere and still learn how to 'move the meat bag'. We would love to have more adults in class. So get the word out. To all of the adults who are helping to teach, we would like to say Thank You!!! See you at the gym…
**********SKK REMINDERS **********
Please pay your dues by the 10th of every month.
Make sure you keep your receipt when you pay your dues.
· All students must wear a karate uniform or workout clothes. Male students must wear a groin protector.
· Hygiene is a good thing. Please make sure your karate uniform is clean, finger and toe nails are trimmed, and remove jewelry in class. These reminders are for the safety of your fellow students. Thank you.
· Please, let us know by phone or e-mail if you cannot show up for class.
· Ms. Long's information
· We charge a $10.00 belt fee for all belt promotions.
· The SKK patch is on sale for $10.00 each or $16.00 for two.
· Karate uniforms range from $20.00 to $25.00 depending on size.
American Kenpo Karate is a hard/soft style designed to promote good self-esteem, confidence, self-reliance, excellent defensive skills and is a lot of fun. If you want to learn the ultimate in self defense, we teach Kenpo Karate in Rancho Cordova for the Cordova Recreation & Park District at Mather Sports Facility